Meeting Notice – 17 December, 2012 – Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting

Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting Monday, December 17, 2012; 6:30pm As a homeowner in the Hillcrest-Lebanon Homeowners Association (HOA), you are hereby given notice of the upcoming scheduled Board meeting to take place at: Heritage Lakes – clubhouse amenity center in the main conference room 3949 Village Blvd. Frisco, TX  75035 Homeowners are welcome to attend…

Meeting Notice – 28 November, 2012 – Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting

Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting Wednesday, November 28, 2012; 6:30pm As a homeowner in the Hillcrest-Lebanon Homeowners Association (HOA), you are hereby given notice of the upcoming scheduled Board meeting to take place at: Heritage Lakes – clubhouse amenity center in the main conference room 3949 Village Blvd. Frisco, TX  75035 Homeowners are welcome to attend…

Meeting Notice – 15 October, 2012 – Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting

Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting Monday, October 15, 2012; 6:30pm   As a homeowner in the Hillcrest-Lebanon Homeowners Association (HOA), you are hereby given notice of the upcoming scheduled Board meeting to take place at: TBD Homeowners are welcome to attend and observe.  Regular Session will commence at 6:30pm.  Executive Session will be held at 8:30pm and…

Meeting Notice – 17 September, 2012 – Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting

Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting Monday, September 17, 2012; 6:30pm   As a homeowner in the Hillcrest-Lebanon Homeowners Association (HOA), you are hereby given notice of the upcoming scheduled Board meeting to take place at: Heritage Lakes – clubhouse amenity center in the main conference room 3949 Village Blvd. Frisco, TX  75035 Homeowners are welcome to attend…

Meeting Notice – Rescheduled – 29 August, 2012 – Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting

Hillcrest-Lebanon Homeowners Association MEETING NOTICE Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting Wednesday, August 29, 2012 As a homeowner in the Hillcrest-Lebanon Homeowners Association (HOA), you are hereby given notice of the upcoming scheduled Board meeting to take place at The City of Frisco Library, 6101 Frisco Square Blvd., Frisco, TX  75034 in the 4th Floor Study…

Meeting Notice – 20 August, 2012 – Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting

Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting Monday, August 20, 2012; 6:30pm   As a homeowner in the Hillcrest-Lebanon Homeowners Association (HOA), you are hereby given notice of the upcoming scheduled Board meeting to take place at 2 Brother’s Grill 8308 Preston Rd Plano, TX 75024; Homeowners are welcome to attend and observe.  Regular Session will commence at…

Cemetery Vandalism

If you see any suspicious activity around the cemetery area, please call the police and report it.  On 11 May 2012 we found the area had been vandalized.  Below is a picture and email sent to the board: While meeting with Hadden today we went to the cemetery to discuss some options there and came…

Meeting Notice – 23 July, 2012 – Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting

Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting Wednesday, 23 July, 2012; 6:30pm   As a homeowner in the Hillcrest-Lebanon Homeowners Association (HOA), you are hereby given notice of the upcoming scheduled Board meeting to take place at 2 Brother’s Grill 8308 Preston Rd Plano, TX 75024; Homeowners are welcome to attend and observe.  Regular Session will commence at 6:30pm. …

Meeting Notice – 18 April, 2012 – Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting

  Regular Session Scheduled Board Meeting Wednesday, 18 April, 2012; 6:30pm   As a homeowner in the Hillcrest-Lebanon Homeowners Association (HOA), you are hereby given notice of the upcoming scheduled Board meeting to take place at 5001 Adolphus, Frisco, TX 75035; 3949 Village Blvd., Frisco, TX  75034; clubhouse amenity center in the main conference room.  Homeowners…